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Blue Sea Divers - 1 discovery dive 30 minutes

Seychelles cruises
  • Catamaran Cruise from Mahe
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Description - Blue Sea Divers - 1 discovery dive 30 minutes


Package two dives 30 minutes. -5% exclusive price for Discover the seabed of Beauvallon north Mahe with these two Discovery dives. Blue Sea Divers team offer this package of two discovery introductory dive for 2 or 1 person! The Diving Center is located near the Reserve Marine parc of Mahe and is ideally located to access the best diving spot of the island of Mahe.

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This diving package is specially design for 2 beginners (couple) or for a beginner who wish to discover two times the feeling to dive with bottles.

Every dive is approximately 30 minutes and include the preparation briefing and the departure by boat from Beauvallon Beach where is Blue Sea Divers center.

Whatever your age or ability, this discovery dive is accessible to all.
The professional team of Blue Sea Divers will give you all necessaries information’s about the details of the dive and preparations

You have the possibility of being pictured or filmed during the dive at additional cost to be paid directly at the center( it is important you have a USB key to save your photos or film)

The Club will deliver at the end of the dive a nominate certificate indicating the place and date of the dive that you have just realize.

IMPORTANT: Be sure that you dont dive within 48 hours from the time you landed or take off as it can be very dangerous.



Blue Sea Divers information

The diving center ofeers also diving lessons for all levels PADI, CMAS, CEDIP et FFESSM.

CMAS             PADI                FFESSM              CEDIP

The diving center is open every day from monday to sunday  from 8 AM to 5 PM.

Duration of dives :

- Leaving at 9.30 am and return at 12.30 : maximum 2 dives 

- Leaving afternoon at 1.30PM and return 4PM : maximum 2 dives 

All dives are supervised by teachers and Diving Instructors and maximum 4 people per group.

The diving instructors speaks several languages: FRANCAIS - ANGLAIS - ITALIEN - ALLEMAND - CREOLE.

All diving sites are located between 15 and 40 minutes boat ride from the center. 

The place where you are going to dive is depending on the meteo of the day.

It is possible to dive all year through but the quality of the sea visibility is depending on the wind.

Generally the best conditions for diving is between February and May and September to November. 

The temperature of the sea is around 29° celsius and visiility over 30 meters. 

From June to September the South West wind is very active specially in august, the visibility is low, the sea temperature drop to 25 degrees, a diving suit 3mm can be used. 


Blue Sea Divers equipment

The dive center is equipped with a Sub Coltri compressor and over 50 equipmentscomplets :

- Air bottles: aluminum tanks: 12 pieces x 10 Lt - 70 pieces x 12 Lt - DIN and INT valves

- Regulators: Brand: Beuchat - 35 pieces

- BCD (BCD): Brand: Beuchat - 35 pieces

- Combinations: Brand: Beuchat - 3mm (3 or 5 pieces per size for women and men)

- Torches: 25 pieces

- Fins: all sizes

- Snorkel masks available

FACILITIES FOR CHILDREN: available for courses and rental (PADI Bubble Maker & Junior Open Water Courses)


- 1 catamaran of 12 meters equipped with two 150hp engines for 20 people

- 1 catamaran of 10 meters with two 140cv engines for 16 people

Blue Sea Divers Security

The diving center and the boats are equipped with 2 bottles x 8 Lt Oxygen and a pharmacy

The nearest doctor is about 20 minutes from the dive center.

The decompression chamber is 20 minutes from the dive center (Victoria Hospital) or 30 minutes (on Silhouette Island)

Medical Staff Training: First Aid Instructor DAN EUROPE - DAN INSURANCE to the dive center


Diving Seychelles

The Seychelles comprises 115 islands scattered in the blue sea, between 4 ° and 10 ° south of the equator.

You will find the possibility of very different and very impressive dives.

Seychelles is the remainder of a submerged chain of mountains and sits on a shallow site in which we find a varied and prolific marine life.

The price includes

- The preparatory briefing for each of the two dives
- Equipment, bottle, combination, palm, mask, waistcoat
- Transport by boat to the sites of the dives
- The two 30-minute dives
- The issuance of the diploma of Baptism

The price does not include

- the film and / or photos of your dive (supplement to be paid on site)

Seychelles booking partners
Blue Sea Divers - 1 discovery dive 30 minutes
  • Catamaran Cruise from :
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  • Departure 09:00
    Return 16:00
    Minimum participants : 1 persons
    Day(s) : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Product code: 777

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